Cakewalk Dimension LE. 1.2 is a software program that creates custom sound for Midi Instruments and enables users to make modifications to settings in their own music recording studio software programs.
With this program, users can combine real instruments with advanced synthesis to create endless sound possibilities. Cakewalk Dimension L.E. 1.2 features and Expression Engine, which is multifunctional and offers users multisample rendering, wavetable and waveguide synthesis, REX playback and an extensive library of effects.
When Cakewalk Dimension LE. 1.2 is added to Cakewalk instruments, the Expression Engine allows users to sample at any bit depth and at any sample rate; they can compress and uncompress samples in the same program; access unlimited keyboard and velocity splits and layers; can release trigger regions with release trigger attenuation control, and have many more notable capabilities in addition. The program features complete automation of parameters, the ability to load and trigger REX files in each element and each program can use up to 4 elements of SF2s for layers and splits. Over 150 MB of guitar, bass, piano, percussion and ethnic multi samples is included in the program. Dimension L.E. is available in the English, French, German and Spanish languages and there is a Multilanguage PDF user manual available.